I want to have a vision for my life, I want to live out my purpose, I want to be more connected to God, I want to live with intention. I want to have deal with my issues so I can become who I am suppose to be.

The Renewal Academy

Where do I start?

The Renewal Academy is the place for you if you are wanting to have a focused intent for personal growth from a Christian perspective. 

Personal Development Leaders and Courses are everywhere, so why should I take your courses?

You are right Personal Growth, Creating a vision for your life is everywhere but when I really started looking at what was out there I kept getting frustrated because even though the personal development authors, speakers or teachers were great, there was always something. So what is missing? GOD!

Now…. Christian Personal Development that is what I needed. I wanted my personal development to be built on Christian principles and I wanted my self-awareness to be motivated by a biblical worldview. I wanted to find my passion, live intentionally and be energized and focus but I wanted my faith to be the foundation of that growth...

and I want that for you too!!!"

Let's Get Started


Struggling to know where to start in your personal journey towards Renewal.

As Iron sharpens Iron so one person sharpens another

Clarity Call


Proverbs 27:17

Refocus, Renew and Redefine your purpose to align with God’s word and what you feel is God's direction for your life by addressing any limiting beliefs and mental blocks that hold you back.

60 Min Coaching Session,
Auto Replay and Notes from call

You will walk away with a clear model for identifying limiting beliefs and mental blocks, behaviors that need to change, improving emotional regulation, and the development of personal coping strategies that will help you achieve your intended growth goal.


1 hour every month for 6 months


Be Accountable-

Proverbs 27:17

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

60m Min Coaching Call a month, Auto Replay and Notes from the call

You will walk away with your top three Goals for Healthy Relationships, Mindset and Spiritual Growth.
Monthly accountability to help you stay focused on achieving your mindset and growth goals.


One Time Payment

a month for 6 months



Coming Soon



Welcome The Renewal Circle

Here’s what you get when you join The Renewal Circle

Exclusive Podcast Episodes 
Monthly Live Circle Calls and Replays
Access to Private FB Community
Member Topic requests
Monthly Bonus Tips
Tools AND Resources to help you take action

Do You need a Community that doesn’t shy away from the real stuff?

Are you looking for guidance and direction?

Are you ready to Redefine your Relationships, Renew your Mind and Refine your Purpose?
Are you wanting to learn about things taught by therapist without spending lots of money or time?

Then this is the place for you!

I can’t wait to talk to you

Not Sure where to start? I can help you with that. Email me at hi@therenewalsession.com and share with me a little about yourself and what you are wanting to address in your life. Together we will come up with what Academy or Coaching Option is right for you.