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Podcast Host, Therapist and Speaker

My name is Mary Ann but my friends call me MAGS. So, let’s be friends! I am your host, therapist and friend all rolled into one. Who doesn’t want a therapist as a friend? As my friends like to say “talking to MAGS is like getting free therapy” I’m not going to say that is true but I will say that I will tell you what I have learned and challenge all of us to be our best selves.

I love all things mental health and faith. Being a practicing therapist for over a decade, I have been blessed to walk with people through the good, bad and ugly of life. The Real Stuff!

If there is one thing that I have learned is people want to be understood. One of my favorite sayings is “It isn’t just about I Love you, it’s also about I get you” and that is the truth. Truth, authenticity and acceptance is something we all want as we figure out who we were made to be and I don’t know about you but I want to be the “Real me” and I can’t think of a better way to spend an afternoon then to have a REAL conversation about the stuff of life.

So, let’s get real together!

Hello friend

Thank you! Keep an eye on your inbox, the guide will be there shortly…

Life Inventory


The first step in changing your life is knowing where you stand today and where you want to go. Let’s take a look at your life and map out your change! Step by step guide to assessing every area of your life and mapping out your future growth.

"Mary Ann has been a friend and mentor to me for many years. She is REAL and TRANSPARENT, which is what makes it so easy to talk to her. She knows how to combine therapy and faith in a way that has deepened my relationship with God."


"Mary Ann makes me laugh harder than anyone I know. She says what I am thinking and I can’t figure out how she does it. Gifted, Fun and Loyal she has given me the confidence to find my voice and share my story with others in hopes of helping them. Love Her!!!!."


"Everyone should have a Mary Ann in their life. I started therapy with Mary Ann during one of the hardest seasons of my life. I never thought I would have a therapist who cares so much and has helped me get through things I didn’t think I could handle. She is a great therapist and I am so lucky to have her in my life."


"Despite the fact that she is a self proclaimed HOT MESS, My mom is my best friend and mentor but honestly the best part of her is her ability to see past the crap and strike at the heart of the matter. Not always my favorite when it is a hard truth but even if it is hard she will walk it out with me. She has driven 8 hours to see me just because she knew I needed a day with her. She is a force of life and I am so lucky she is my number one fan, even when she is being a HOT MESS."


I’m Mary Ann, 

Hey there,

A Christian Therapist for more than a decade, Life Coach and Identity and Calling Mentor.
Most days you can find me helping clients with the messy and meaningful things of life. I am mostly known for being a Christ follower, Wife and Mother to two adult children. If you were to ask people what I am like, they would say “what you see if what you get”, funny, authentic, and unfiltered truth. I love teaching people about how to use twt counseling ideas to lead them to deeper spiritual growth. I am passionate about helping people become who they were created to be.

Let's talk, girl!

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In this podcast you will find, spiritual gifts coaching, purpose framework work, relationship discernment, mindset and heart work transformation, christian therapy and renewing your mind by battling the inner critics and armoring up with the word of God!



The Renewal Session



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